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Travel to Lake Sevan

Lake Sevan is situated at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, in the Caucasus mountain range and is a popular destination for tourism due to its unique and indescribable natural scenery. It has many small bays and one source of Zhang. Its depth at some places is 83 meters. There are significant changes in water levels due to strong fumes, as well as its use for irrigation and electricity production. To overcome the decline of the water level was built tunneling from the river Arpa.

According to legend, during one of the Arab invasions, the people crossed the frozen lake, and took refuge at a nearby island where the monastery was built, and people are prayers addressed to God to save their lives. When the Arabs arrived here and tried to cross the lake, but the ice cracked and the lake drown them in its icy waters.

Today, to the great tourists interest are well developed the systems of receiving guests, infrastructure and entertainment. You can also spend a pleasant holiday with your family.


Sevan really deserves the name of the pearl of Armenia. In addition to the tourist destination it is also the main source of fresh water for the whole country and some other regions. It is sometimes also referred to as the sea, as it takes up the whole of the thirtieth part of Armenia, and when the storms happen, they have the force of at least of oceanic. Sevan is the highest mountain lake through the all countries of the former Soviet Union and, respectively, also in those days was a famous holiday destination.

An interesting fact is that in Soviet times training at Lake Sevan was a mandatory part of the program for the national swimming team. Here during the day several times the weather can change, with the change of temperature and wind direction. Thus, the athletes were training in a calm weather and on to the present storm, and the week of training here equated to the months of training at sea.


Visiting Sevan so impressive that there is a feeling that never in life seen so much beauty in one place. It looks like the sea, but surrounded by mountains and it seems that the sky is closer. Here one can take a pleasure of ride on a medieval ship, constructed on the basis of ancient drawings and paintings and recreated almost as a replica of a merchant ship of the period of the ancient Armenian kingdom. There are also two boats of 10 meters, used in the Middle Ages for the shipping and fishing.


There are possibilities for fans of extreme sensations of diving. Of course, lacustrine bottom cannot compete with the beauty of the Red Sea or the Caribbean’s, but also not much behind them by its originality, because of its mountainous location.

Every year the number of tourists in Armenia reaches almost a million people, and it is noteworthy that almost every one of them notes must visit destination of Sevan.
And those who once have been there, feel free to admit that the visit of Armenia cannot be complete without seeing this magnificent place.